2D Animator, Illustrator & maybe other things
Saturn & Starboy
Roles: Director, Producer, Lead Animator, Editor, Voice actor
The project
6 students, one month, 2 supervising teachers, an assigned style guide, an age group(4-6 years) and a maximum length of 45 seconds.
We had 2 weeks of preproduction and 2 weeks of production, and it was our first real taste of a group project with a pipeline and which roles we would fall into naturally. It was a great experience! We were even lucky enough to have a wonderful musician join us and he composed the most beautiful little score for us.
A big thank you and loads of appreciation to my group, my teachers and Grégoire for making this little film possible to make.
Group members:
Anika Weston
Henrik B. Rasmussen
Antonina Adamkowicz
Magnus Lønborg
Emma Olesen
Wendy B. Agostinho
Musician: Grégoire Blanc